Redesign and refactoring of the app, new features, maintenance.
Shoptet app redesign, IAP subscription implementation.
Simple animal hide and find game.
iOS app for premium stables in Prague, with reservation system.
App for the oldest Czech dating site.
Create and share your online wishlist.
My personal website and blog.
I started developing websites sometime around 2003, times when Internet Explorer 6 was number one. Then Apple introduces iPhone and sparked my interest in mobile apps. My first one appeared on the App Store in 2015.
Year 2020 brought many changes and sort of forced me back to website development again. I still like making mobile apps, SwiftUI is amazing. I'm currently learning React Native and Flutter to offer Android apps as well. Right now, however, JavaScript/TypeScript is my favourite, with its ecosystem - especially Vue.js. and Nuxt.js
Write and email to [email protected], or use the form.
IČ: 06824579 (neplátce DPH)
Fyzická osoba zapsaná v Živnostenském rejstříku v Ostravě od 1. 2. 2018